About Us
Where Pets Come First
The Visit Vet has been offering outstanding animal care in Carlisle and Annandale since November 2020. We care for all kinds of companion animals and offer a wide range of services for pets of every breed.
Liz Shepherd has been a vet in mixed practice since 1997 but felt that too many of her patients were distressed by coming to the vet practice. So she decided that bringing dedicated and caring professionals to pets at home would be better for animals and owners alike— making us the very first Mobile Veterinary Service in Cumbria. After 25 years in the profession, Liz has plenty of experience and expertise to bring to your pet. A Registered Veterinary Nurse can come also to help handle your pet if necessary. We offer all the care you could expect from your usual veterinary consultation and emergency cover is available 24/7. We look forward to welcoming your pet to our family.